Business & Household Pest Control Cape Town
What you can expect?
For Business Pest Control & Household Pest Control in Cape Town our Treatment Plans or Programs begin with an all-inclusive inspection of your premises and this includes but is not limited to the following:
- Establishing your pest activity zones, relevant safety protocols & best control methods
- Recommendations of Preventative methods for Key Pests found in your industry or home
- Evaluation of comprehensive control methods, sanitation, hygiene or structural alterations required
- Reporting of pests activity levels found in those zones
- Reporting on timelines required for control methods
- We will highlight any particular problems or other challenges your home or business experience and offer the best treatment plan or ongoing IPM (Integrated Pest Management).
Pest Control for Business & Household in Cape Town should be everyone’s priority! Especially if you own or are you employed at a Food Handling or other Specialised Facility in Cape Town. Fortunately we have Reactive or Preventative Pest Control Treatment Plans or Treatment Programs available just for you.
Business & Household Pest Control Treatment Methods for Cape Town
The best success level is achieved when the correct treatment type is used based on the type of premises i.e. Home, Business, Food Handling or other Specialized facilities.
Consequently, Food Handling facilities offer a whole different set of challenges compared to a Packaging Facility. Similarly, different Household structures brings about its own unique set of challenges. Luckily, our dedicated staff is able to handle each situation with the utmost care and sensitivity. We understand that you only want the best for your home or business. This is why we offer you the most efficient and effective solutions first.
At Eco Slayer Cape Town, we don’t just sell Fumigation, Extermination or Pest Control, we aim to help you reach your Pest Control goals. Therefore, we will take our time to educate you on how you can help us to solve your problem going forward. Because we have learned, the only way for you to reach and maintain your ultimate Pest Control goals is by working hand in hand with us.